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Core Team:

Hi, we are a core team of the Project. Rashmi ( Extreme Left) Suhas ( Center) & Manish). Rashmi is a perusing her masters degree in Macro-Biology from University of Mumbai, Suhas is a Digital & Conventional Marketing Wizard & Manish is perusing his Degree in Hotel Management. We have one thing in common that is passion for music.

Our research in Karaoke indicates that there is a huge potential fr Karaoke in India. The current year sales of Karaoke Speakers Systems is about 18, 00, 000/- devices per anm.

Other than Karaoke Speaker Systems, there are Karaoke Mike which also sold about 1,00,00 per anm.

This is the most convenient way of testing singing talent right at sitting at home. Moreover there are Karaoke Clubs which is again a very fast upcoming concept. In Mumbai itself there are more than 100 odd Karaoke Clubs. The singers pay average Rs 800/- for membership wherein they go during the week ends & sing.


Our Objectives:

  • It is very tough in the today`s competitive market to  get a suitable platform to Karaoke Singers. We are making a sincere efforts to bring all the Karaoke Singer under one common platform
  • To give them recognition
  • Promote them not only in India but also on international platform  
  • Opportunity to pursue their singing passion & take their talent to the next level

About Karaoke 2017 


We are planning a first and biggest ever Karaoke Singing Contest Series by the name of Karaoke 2017,which will be very widely promoted on the internet platform. Every three months there will be a grand finale wherein we will give attractive prizes  to first three winners & fourth prize as a consolation prize.

We are planning our campaigns very soon for auditions.

Here are some images of our first auditions:

To watch the performances of singers ,Click Here…..